Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Best course I ever took

Holding the plastic baby felt a bit awkward
Sure thing you can learn anything online these days. Without leaving your house, information is right there - at the tip of your fingers. And I am no different than millions others moms-to-be searching/surfing the net for advise, support, reassurance, opinions, etc. – I’ve done it all and it felt great. Especially, asking doctor Google - day or night, there is an answer to your worrying mind without making an appointment.

Nonetheless, once our pregnancy progressed, I wanted for us to participate in real prenatal classes. First off, I’ve never taken one (only seen it in movies), second of all, I wanted V to learn in spite of his “I already know everything I need to” manly approach. And just like for me seeing other moms-to-be, I thought it would be good for him to see other dads-to-be being involved. So after a quick search, I found one off of our close by hospital. Once I registered, I told V about it:)

Yesterday was our last class and we both came out of it better prepared. Now we know what to do once the labour starts, where to call and at what point to go to the hospital, what to expect there, labour stages and how to deal with contractions, pros and cons of each medication, bringing baby home and breastfeeding. We got the information and reassurance we both needed from an experienced nurse and had fun interacting with other couples from our neck of the woods.

So my advise to other expecting couples out there to look into prenatal classes in your area and participate, if possible.


  1. It's so wonderful that you participated. And may I just say - you look so lovely and content! And that Cheshire cat smile is priceless - "Oh, I know a great deal now!" ~M

    1. He's true though. I do feel better equipped than I was before even with all the literature and advices from other moms:)
