Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Knitting saga continues

Just got my “Peaches&Creme” cotton yarn and I can’t wait to start working with it! I’m planning to crochet some dishcloths. We hand wash our dishes all the time. The dishwasher is only used when we have people over, but even then, I love doing dishes. Maybe when we have children one day, I’ll have a totally different take on it, but for now, it’s a chore that I don’t mind and actually enjoy doing.
The dishcloths that we currently use do their job fairly well, but they aren’t environmentally friendly as you have to dispose of them in about a week. With the handmade ones, I’m hoping to cut down on the waste (and the money) because we’ll be able to wash and reuse them over and over again.

Have you ever knitted/crocheted any household items? Was that worth the time and effort?


  1. I first discovered knitted dishclothes in America. A few people gave them to me as gifts. They are durable, fun and eco-friendly. But maybe you should use a darker yarn for them? Just a thought. ;) ~M

    1. I probably should have. I have this thing for white/off white colours when it comes to domestic textiles.
      Even though it's less practical, it has that sterile effect that I love. Same goes for towels and bedding.

  2. I like embroidery more than knitting. I find it calms me down and recharges my batteries. But I always envied the skill. I cannot knit to save my life! :)

    I agree with M, darker yarn would be more practical. Unless you don't mind bleaching.

    1. I like embroidery too. I just find knitting a bit more useful in terms of finished product - you can wear it or use it somehow. Embroidery is mostly decorative, I think, but equally calming and creative craft. Would be cool to see some of your work!
