Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Glass shower – practicality vs. looks

With bathroom tiling being in progress, I’ve decided to look at the glass enclosures for our shower.
Before V and I decided to convert our tub space into a walk-in shower, we had agreed that the enclosure would be glass.
So this is what we had in mind as our shower option number one (apologies for the mess and faked glass):
A single glass panel. With as less hardware as possible. I’ve inquired a few places around on it. In some of them I've been told that this type of installation would require a bar against the opposite wall in order to support the panel. I'm not crazy about that. As far as pricing goes, I was able to negotiate the cost of installation and got a somewhat reasonable quote.
But even with a quote, we are still mulling over this particular option. Our main concern is how practical will this one panel be in everyday use?
  • Will the splashes go over the “unprotected” side?
  • Will it be cold with steam escaping through the opening? 
That’s exactly why we’re hesitant to go ahead with this option, because we don't know how practical it will be. And there is no worse type of a decision that is not based on practicality, no matter how pretty the outcome might be, if you ask me.
So here is our second, a bit more traditional option:
A two panel glass with chrome  frame and a little door. Seems safer than the first option, while still providing clean and modern look, not to mention – agrees with our budget.

Have you ever ordered something big and fragile online? How was the shipping handled? Did it arrive in one piece?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the steam escaping... hubby loves the "less steam" walk in shower. I prefer the kid's bath because I can get it really toasty.
