Friday, June 7, 2013

Tiling bathroom floor

Never again!” – is the first phrase I hear from my very patient husband when he's out of our under renos bathroom. “Never again I will have to do this!” is another, a bit louder one. Can’t say I blame him for it, more like I blame myself for having to put him through this “pain in the…you know where” experience.
V spent two days straight accurately laying out the shower pan, piece by half-piece or smidgen of a piece in some spots(around the drain, border) to get the pattern spot on.

I don’t think it is stressed enough on the web world how tough these honeycomb/hexagon tiles are to put in by yourself. They look amazing, they feel amazing but THAT comes with a price and hours of kneeling and meticulous labour involved. So if you want to put in these by yourself, our advice would be – don’t. There is nothing better and easier than regular square or rectangular tiles, in fact, ‘till the last minute I wanted to change my mind in their favour, but since we already bought these and were eager to finish this project asap, I let go.
As for the shower pan ledge, we decided to lay it out with subway tile, on both: top and sides. And to make up for the width (the ledge is a bit wider than the tile), we added metal edging on sides. I think it looks neat. And we’ve managed to save some $, which is always great news in the whole renovating process.


  1. gosh, that looks familiar! :P

    and yes, they are a total pain. I did them myself, because A refused to. Still, worth it to this day. Totally would do it again. Sore knees, back and cracked finger tips.

    1. Kudos to you for such dedication and skills in tiling!
      To me - blood, sweat and tears my hubby spent on this floor could have been avoided had I not put my own ambitions over his patience and ability or had I known how to lay them out myself.
      Good thing he doesn’t mind THAT much and has the time and skills to work on it, otherwise – never again!

  2. Looks amazing. But yeah, at what price, right? Thanks so much for your honesty!

    1. No problem! It is what it is, can't and don't really want to up it much.
      Thanks for stopping by!
