Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The shift

As in "why haven't my mind shifted from my work-self and into my maternal-self yet?"
I’ve been on high about the upcoming reality of becoming a mother for these past months, but I haven’t really noticed any radical shifts in my thinking towards that yet. Yes, I try to eat well, rest as much as possible (hence the slow blog activity lately) but my mind is still mostly about my professional self.

Honestly, all I've been thinking about lately is my work. My mat leave date is coming up quickly, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, I’m really looking forward to turning off my work mind for a year and dedicating myself to the little one and V, on the other hand, I’m hesitant to this big shift and the prospect of adjusting to the new reality and different kinds of responsibilities. I’m one of those women who associate themselves with what they do and love it to pieces (total careerist, I admit) so stepping back from it all seems like a huge step that I just have to deal with.

Even though I’ve been crazy busy finishing off things at work and training my replacement, I’m enjoying being productive and interacting with my colleagues to the last hour. 
This probably doesn’t sound too good coming from a woman so close to giving birth, but sometimes I simply forget I’m pregnant when I'm working! I take breaks, snack and eat lunch religiously (by this time I’ve learned that going hungry makes the babe angry) but my mind is all about work projects and deadlines and I simply cannot just shut it down.

So there you go, a short confession of one confused working mom-to-be. And don't let that super focused look on my face fool you. Clearly, I don't have it all figured out:)

35 weeks and 3 days today. I’m officially on the last home stretch!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you!.. And this is the first taste of agonizing over work/motherhood balance, he he. The only way it all works for me is when I completely separate work from home, no blurring of boundaries allowed. Also, I think it takes some time to learn how to be motherly and discover all those hidden maternal instincts. So be patient! :) Loved that last paragraph in your post :)
