Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bag is packed but nursery isn’t ready

I wish I could say that our nursery is complete and that all V and I are doing these days is sitting on the couch and waiting for our baby to start making an appearance.
While sitting on the couch part is true, we are actually asking our little one to stay put a little longer. So that we can have some things done before the big arrival. And I’m not even talking about buying a crib (easier said than done) or adding finishing touches to the room. At this point, I’m hoping we can empty the room of the clutter we’ve been accumulating there, have the curtains up and get the door trim installed and painted. So behind!

I have this Mother’s day due date idea (my actual due date is the day after), which would be such a great day to give birth! Considering that this week is my last working week, I’ll have two whole weeks to work on the room/nag V to work on it and we should be golden. But of course, it’s out of my hands at this point.
One thing that I do have ready is the hospital bag. It gives me a huge relief that I’m prepared for that part (although doesn’t mean I’m less scared). And since we are planning to have the baby with us in our room for the first few weeks anyway, the nursery can be completed later. After all, babies really don’t care about their surroundings.

P.S. 37w3d, and I’m actually not as uncomfortable as I look on this picture!:)

1 comment:

  1. You look glowing!.. I can't believe it's only a couple of weeks left (or less).. Despite all the trials and tribulations lately, I can't help feeling giddy - all because of this baby :) ~ M
