Monday, May 26, 2014


When you are going through a major life change, such as giving birth and starting up as a new parent your mind can go weird places. That’s why it’s so important to be surrounded by family and closest friends. I was lucky to forgo the drastic realizations of this big change and handle new responsibility due to the love and care of these special people:
V, baby G, me and my dear sissy
you are my hero. Even though I can’t recall much the day I gave birth, I do remember you supporting me through it. Your strength gave me strength and I am grateful you were there with me.

there are no words to describe my appreciation for your kindness and attentiveness not only at the delivery but also throughout the pregnancy and newborn care. You are the best sister one could ever wish for and I’ll be forever grateful for all you did for us on this baby journey:) Thanks for taking all the pictures too!

without your support I simply wouldn’t have made it. With you being with us for these two weeks, I was able to concentrate on baby G exclusively and learn to be a mother. You have completely saved us with your delicious cooking and I give all the credit for his growth (my milk supply) to you.:)

1 comment:

  1. Ну вот, я плачу - спасибо за такие теплые слова!! ... Конечно, дорогие, мы готовы - и рады -во всем вам помочь! ~ Your sissy :)
