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Perhaps, it’s just me, but let me tell you that parenting is not what I thought it was. For some reason it is rarely mentioned anywhere how exactly your life is changed after you have a child. As far as I remember, the experience of it is somewhat misrepresented.
You see images of happy parents and children getting along, happily doing something together, parents carrying their perfectly calm babies in the carries or strollers, parents showing off their little ones in all kinds of fancy outfits. Or the worst one I remember – new parents doing their old things with a baby strapped to them, like sitting in front of the computer and doing their business like nothing changed. Well, maybe someone is that lucky, but my baby is strapped to the rocking chair while I type this, and I’m rocking him with my foot to keep calm. You don’t really see the images of distressed adults trying to manage a grunting month old who won’t sleep but screams. Nobody really tells you that putting an outfit on the baby actually takes practice, patience and time, and with all other things you have to do throughout the day, it is really not that practical to be changing them very often, let lone – take pictures of them in those outfits!
Yes, it’s been said to me many times: “your life will change forever”, but never have I heard what exactly that change entails?
Now I can tell that it changes in EVERY aspect. And it is not just your freedom that no longer exists (which is huge), but also the way you used to think, make decisions and function.
As an example, we went to Ikea with baby G the other day. And it was amazing to realize that even a small errand like that is totally different experience now. If before we used to go in, quickly navigate to the desired section by making shortcuts, grab what we needed, shove it in our Civic and drive home, now it is a whole different story! You can’t just quickly do things anymore; you have a baby in the stroller! Plus, things no longer fit into our Civic due to the car seat at the back. In other words – different experience. Not to mention, all the attention we are suddenly getting from people. Well, that, I actually don’t mind – he he.
You suddenly realize, that you have to think ahead and adjust the way you used to do things to a new level. A whole NEW level.
Crying baby. I have to cut this post short and check on him.
P.S. I will be back with more. That I promise:)
P.P.S Don't get me started on the image above. The way your body changes is unimaginable! More on that soon to come.
I"m not sure what I want to do more, hug you or smirk knowingly. Everything you say is so true. There are no small trips, you can't just "run into the store" any more. Everything requires insane planning around sleeping and feeding schedules. This is the reason why socializing with little ones is hard. For me, it's always a choice between my needs, and kids' needs. And they win out, most of the time.
ReplyDeleteBut the thing is. It might feel like this is for ever. But it's not. It is such a short period of time, in the grand scheme of things. And you will miss it, not all of it, but some of it you will miss for sure.
I'm so sorry about the crying... I don't want to overwhelm you with tips, I"m sure you've chin deep into all of that. Just if you ever want to chat, drop me a line.
The image above is great - you look fantastic! Actually many new moms would be annoyed at this picture of serenity and perfect hair, he he. But if seriously - so true! All these small (unwieldy car seats) and big (breastfeeding, loss of freedom) changes quickly add up and make you completely overwhelmed. But this is after all THE biggest adjustment of your life - bringing a new human being into this world and then raising him. It has be shocking - at least at first. Just take it one day at a time, sissy. It'll get easier. ~M (Did you notice? I didn't even say "I told you so!" :)